Tuesday 29 November 2011

things that are awesome

My list of things I find awesome:
Oreos with milk
Boxes of chocolate
Riding horses through a long road with a canopy of green tree's
Using nature as a fridge or freezer

I'm an important part of this play because if my passiveness wasn't involved, Juliet would have no reason to confide in the nurse. I had no part as a true mother, the nurse took on that roll. If i weren't in the play, there would have been no one to convince Juliet to marry Paris. No one would have pushed her into agreeing to marriage.

"I beg for justice, which thou, Prince, must give; Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live." - Lady Capulet
"Therefore, have done. Some grief shows much love, But much of grief shows still some want of wit." - Lady Capulet

Wednesday 23 November 2011


In the recent events of Verona there has been three well known deaths. Mercutio a member of the Montague's family was killed by Tybalt, who is a member of the Capulet's family. Tybalt was then killed by Romeo, a friend of Mercutio and also a member of the Montague's. The most recent and most known death has been Juliet, The Capulet's only daughter and child. I got Lady Capulet to answer a few questions about these deaths in the city of Verona.

-Did Romeo and your daughter have a relationship?
Lady Capulet- As far as I know Romeo and Juliet did not have a relationship although there have been rumours.

-Why do you think Romeo killed Tybalt?
Lady Capulet- I think Romeo was a little jealous of Tybalt. I also think he thought it was right to avenge the death of his fellow Montague.

-What do you think the cause of your daughter's death was?
Lady Capulet- I don't quite know what the reason for this tragic incident was, but whatever happened I will find out.

-Have you and your husband Capulet planned a funeral?
Lady Capulet- Yes, the wedding we recently planned for her has become a funeral. We're very pained to think such a happy day could have turned into such a sad tragic one.

-Are you going to keep the nurse around if there is no child for nursing cares?
Lady Capulet- We haven't thought that far, depending on what duties will still be around for her it will be discussed later.

Friday 18 November 2011

Today's Events

Today I announced to my daughter Juliet that her marriage had been arranged for Thursday with Paris. She did not take it too well. Lord Capulet told Juliet if she didnt marry Pairs, she would be kicked out on to the streets with no money. In the day before Juliets dear cousin Tybalt was murdered by Romeo. Juliet weeps uncontrollably over her cousins death. My husband came to the conclusion that if the marriage with Paris were rushed, Juliet would have a reason to slow her weeping. I'm very disappointed in Juliet's reaction to the arranged marriage. Lady Capulet said in the end of the act after Lord Capulet had made the decision final. "Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word. Do as thou wilt, for i will have done thee."

Monday 14 November 2011

The Rumour

Today there has been rumours circulating of a new love in the city. I have heard many disbelieving things about my daughter Juliet being involved with a Montague named Romeo. I feel I have failed as a mother. I can't even bring myself to talk to my daughter, my relationship is little to none with her. Lately it seems to me the nurse has a better mother daughter relationship with Juliet then I ever will.  

Monday 7 November 2011

What went down in Verona

Today I confronted my daughter with the idea of  marriage. Since her birthday will be coming up soon and she will be turning fourteen, I thought she was ready to be thinking of getting married. At the age of fourteen I was persuaded into marrying my husband. I went out of my way to find a fabulous man for her to marry. My husband threw a party at the house, so Paris and Juliet could get to know eachother. I picked the most well rounded amazing guy I her. I saw her making googley eyes over a Montague who crashed my party. Tybalt had tried to cause a scene with the party crashers, but one of the Montagues called Romeo was said to be a well respected young man around town. I had overheard Tybalt expressing his anger that this would surely not be forgotten; that Romeo and the other Montague who crashed would pay for crashing such an event. I'm not going to stop Tybalt if he plans to act on his words, mostly because I somewhat agreed that the Montague's should be taken down a few notches.