Friday 18 November 2011

Today's Events

Today I announced to my daughter Juliet that her marriage had been arranged for Thursday with Paris. She did not take it too well. Lord Capulet told Juliet if she didnt marry Pairs, she would be kicked out on to the streets with no money. In the day before Juliets dear cousin Tybalt was murdered by Romeo. Juliet weeps uncontrollably over her cousins death. My husband came to the conclusion that if the marriage with Paris were rushed, Juliet would have a reason to slow her weeping. I'm very disappointed in Juliet's reaction to the arranged marriage. Lady Capulet said in the end of the act after Lord Capulet had made the decision final. "Talk not to me, for I'll not speak a word. Do as thou wilt, for i will have done thee."


  1. Your cursed nephew killed me, and I am glad that Romeo avenged me

  2. I will always fight for my friends and the ones I love. Even if it will kill me. Maybe Juliet is weeping for another reason..? You'd know if you paid even a speck of attention to your daughter.

  3. [lies] I would not know ANYTHING about this occurrence before or after I may or may not have gotten them married [/lies]

  4. I spoke to Juliet and she is now really happy to be marrying me and will not speak to Romeo again. Romeo stabbed her cousin Tybalt so she deserves better anyways, a Montague does not desaerve a Capulet at all
