Monday 14 November 2011

The Rumour

Today there has been rumours circulating of a new love in the city. I have heard many disbelieving things about my daughter Juliet being involved with a Montague named Romeo. I feel I have failed as a mother. I can't even bring myself to talk to my daughter, my relationship is little to none with her. Lately it seems to me the nurse has a better mother daughter relationship with Juliet then I ever will.  


  1. Dont worry madam, I have not been invovled with your fair daughter. I will keep my distance and respect your family.

  2. Shut up Romeo you should'nt be commmenting on a Capulets blog. My dearest Lady Capulet I will deal with this Romeo and find out about this rumor.

  3. Don't be hat'n on Romeo, he's a nice guy when you get to know them.

  4. Well it took you long enough! Jesus, obviously I'm the one that raised her ...
