Tuesday 29 November 2011

things that are awesome

My list of things I find awesome:
Oreos with milk
Boxes of chocolate
Riding horses through a long road with a canopy of green tree's
Using nature as a fridge or freezer

I'm an important part of this play because if my passiveness wasn't involved, Juliet would have no reason to confide in the nurse. I had no part as a true mother, the nurse took on that roll. If i weren't in the play, there would have been no one to convince Juliet to marry Paris. No one would have pushed her into agreeing to marriage.

"I beg for justice, which thou, Prince, must give; Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live." - Lady Capulet
"Therefore, have done. Some grief shows much love, But much of grief shows still some want of wit." - Lady Capulet


  1. I like to party too! Lets have a dead party!

  2. Oh how I love Parties! Something good always happens to me!

  3. I was never allowed to party! :(
